we had a fun weekend being out and about
enjoying the wonderful fall season
we started out early saturday morning to speak at an adoption meeting being held close to our home
sponsored by my adoption agency, awaa
i'm always so excited to share our story of adoption
i love to look in the faces of people beginning the journey
to reassure them, that it will work out for them too
in one way or another
God is so good!
have you ever read the blog Kisses from Katie?
it is an amazing chronicle of one girls heart, longing to serve him
it is an amazing chronicle of one girls heart, longing to serve him
the author of the blog has just published a book with the same title
and i bought it this weekend and couldn't put it down!
this young girl, katie
is from middle tennessee and grew up in an upper middle class home
she felt called to move to Uganda after high school graduation
and her parents reluctantly agreed to let her do mission work in an orphanage for one year
well, that one year has turned into 4 and she has created a simply amazing ministry there
oh yeah, and in her spare time has adopted 13 little girls!!!!!!!!!
she's 22 years old and the mother of 13 Ugandan girls
i told you her story is amazing!
i urge you to read her book or just go and peruse her blog when you have a spare hour or 24...
each story, each entry will captivate you
it's just unthinkable that a young, beautiful, talented girl would choose to live her life
and yet, she thinks it is unthinkable that all of us "Christians" would choose to stay in ours
it really gives you something to think about
living in total need
and living in total greed
in her book, she speaks of adoption
and i just love how she puts it
in her words...
adoption is a redemptive response to tragedy that happens in this broken world. and every single day, it is worth it, because adoption is God's heart. his word says, 'in love he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will'(Ephesians 1:5). he sets the lonely in families (see psalm 68:6). the first word that appears when i look up adoption in the dictionary is "acceptance". God accepts me, adores me, even, just as i am. and he wants me to accept those without families into my own. adoption is the reason i can come before God's throne and beg him for mercy, because he predestined me to be adopted as his child through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will--to the praise of his glorious grace. (pages 72-73)
she goes on to tell about how God has commanded her to take care of, to adopt, all of these kids. she is not doing it out of charity, she is doing it out of obedience.
although, our stories of adoption do not match up
i selfishly wanted to adopt because i wanted to be a mom.
while i do believe that God gave me the desire to be a mom
and God certainly lead me down the path to adoption
it wasn't my "good deed" either
well, i could go on and on
just read the book:)

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