Tuesday, May 3, 2011

molly day

we had such a nice one year anniversary celebration
i took the day off to spend with molly 
we went to a post op appointment with her surgeon who said everything was healing great and we wouldn't need to come in anymore unless something came up!
yeah!!  no more surgeries!!

then we went to a bookstore to buy some new bedtime books and then to pf changs for dinner
it was a delightful day together
today i took her to school with me for about two hours and everyone enjoyed seeing her run through the halls
my kids were begging me to bring her in one more time before the end of the year
so today was a good day to do that before the craziness of the closing of school begins in full

lastly, tonight i wrote a letter to her to keep in a scrapbook for one to read one day
while in china, i collected stationary at all of the hotels we stayed at so i could write her a letter each year on molly day
i think it's important, even in this age of technology, for kids to have handwritten letters/notes from their moms
it's such a treasure and i'm sure she'll look back on them with much interest in years to come

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Love it !! Such a wonderful mother and daughter. The 1st thing I noticed was Molly looking straight to the camera !

Those little boots and umbrella checking her mail, priceless!

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