Friday, July 16, 2010

another cast to go!

Today marked one week since Molly's surgery.  The doctor said that after one week I could removed the "soft cast" that was on her foot.  I was going to leave it on unless Molly complained about it, but after her nap today she woke up and seemed irritated at it.  So off it went...she's suffered long enough.

here's a look back to the progression:
first we had three "casts" real, hard cast on your right hand and two soft casts.  You "chewed" through the cast on your left hand after the first night.  Those two fingers have healed nicely this week and have not seemed to bother you at all.  We've kept band aids on them all week. 

Next you had your total right side "casted", but it did not slow you down at all!  By Sunday (after your Friday surgery) you were running around like normal.  The only thing you missed was water play and bathtime.  We have stayed in a lot this week because it has been so hot outside! 
Today after I "de-casted" your right foot we soaked your feet and put band aids on and tennis shoes that are about 1.5 sizes too big.  You were so happy!
Molly helped with the process and seemed to love every minute of it!
Fruit chews help to distract you a bit.
Lots of layers...
a little foot soak...this must have felt so good!  (oops, didn't realize you got your pink cast wet!  bad mommy!)  You had a little rash all around your ankle that was very itchy.  So the water felt really good.
You kept looking down at your feet, like what just happened??
After all of this you wanted me to take the pink cast off too!  So smart!  But, sorry the doctor will have to take care of that one!   I'm so glad you are healing and feeling so well!  You are so tough and brave to have gone through so much in 7 days...or really 22 months! ha!

{Now, I realize I'm switching my voice around in these blog posts between talking to you, my readers and talking straight to Molly.  I guess she will eventually be reading these one day so it is all really for her, but I keep switching.  Sorry if that is get the point!}


Angie said...

YAY Molly! So proud of you for being so brave and dealing with these little frustrations with such grace! You are amazing! You know that? Can't wait to see the progress!

Unknown said...

Progress! Yea! She looks like she is doing SO great with it all!

Cheryl said...

Molly, I'm so glad you're doing well. Such cute pics of you checking out the foot. Nice looking tan you have !

Prayers continue to be with you!

groovy mama said...

Love the target fruit gummies...they are a FAV for someone here too and they keep her busy for a few minutes. Glad she is getting back to her GROOVY self.
We took our 'soft' cast off too and toes look good. We go tuesday to get the other big one cut off!


Becky said...

I imagine it felt wonderful to get that soft cast off! Glad she is doing so well. She is at a tough age to have all those casts!

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