My friends made this cute invitation with Molly's picture on it...
I typed this Question/Answer sheet for all of the guests to take home and read. Everyone has the same questions and curiosities in the world of adoption, so I thought I'd make it easy and answer the most common questions up front.
All the wonderful hostesses
These petifores were simple, beautiful and delicious!
These little fortune cookies were the party favors and had individual prayer requests with scripture I had sent to one of the hostesses. Love the detail!
Molly's coming home dress from Mama Maze
This is a really cute 'sign in' idea from one of the lovely hostesses! I have a special place in her nursery for it!
Ambre and Me...I'm excited to be able to experience motherhood with her!
Opening presents...such FUN!
Molly's first backpack! I love it!
Stop opening gifts for a quick hug from Eddie!! Love it!
Madison had to make her arrival also!
Super cute...Mama Maze with her grandkids and 2 daycare kiddos!
My third grade teacher made this lavender afghan for Molly!
My best friends mom made this Asian blanket with matching purse for Molly!
Eddie...looking for something to play with that isn't pink!
This is such a treasure...my third grade teacher and my fourth grade teacher came to celebrate with me!
Everyone on the left of the picture are faithful friends from church and the lady on the right is my first grade teacher! She is still teaching after 38 years!!!!!!!!!!!!
My Granny
My Grandma (pray for her...she fell Friday night flat on her face on the street as she walking to her neighbors and broke her nose and fractured her wrist. She is all black and blue, but doing OK and is at home)
Three Gorgeous Blondes!!!
This is a wonderful friend I met during my first year of teaching. She was a retired teacher who substitute taught at my school and I have stayed in touch with her through the years. The other lady is my best friend from Elementary/Middle/High School, Carey.
Another wonderful retired teacher, she was the first teacher in my district to get maternity leave for adoption!
Me, my cousin, Jill, my uncle, Tim, and my aunt Julie
My besties!! Amber and Deb (Candace was not able to attend)
Me, my aunt Faye, and my cousins
The shower coordinators!!! Thanks Donna and Kelly!! It was wonderful! Kelly, I owe you big time when you get married!!
More family
We had a money basket and amazingly I collected enough money to pay for my complete plane ticket (round trip) to China!! Thank you, everyone!!
All the loot! I got some wonderful presents.
When it was over I enjoyed packing it all up and taking it home and opening it all again. It was just so fun to turn my home into a 'toddler friendly' place! The shower was perfect! Everything I ever wanted my baby shower to be. Great food, Great people, and fun gifts!
My heart continues to overflow with thankfulness to everyone who has been so generous to Molly and me! Thank you!!
Oh no! So sorry your grandma fell. I'm glad she is ok! Hope she heals very very quickly!!
I love that you raised enough money for your flight! That is awesome!!!
I am so excited that you get to stay home until AUGUST!!!!!! That is amazing! You two are going to have so much fun together, and then she gets to hang out with her grandma. How perfect!
Is my excitement endearing or is it getting annoying? I am trying to refrain from using lots of caps and !!! I am just so so so excited, Amy. I saw the pics of you opening presents for your daughter and it makes me want to cry. You have waited so long for this and it's finally here!!!!
And Molly's birthday is 2 days after mine! She's a virgo. If that means anything (I don't go by all that at all) she will be a bit of a perfectionist. ;)
What a blessing to be so loved by so many. What a wonderful gift! Molly will be so loved and I know she already is. Can't wait to continue to follow your journey. Enjoyxoxo
What a lovely shower!
Amy, I'm so glad that your big shower was so much fun. I was thinking about you last Sunday. You look like you have some awesome family and friends. Enjoy all the special times.
It looks like you had a perfect day. My mom fell two years ago and it broke my heart. She was so bruised - particularly on her face.
Enjoy your last few days getting ready to meet......your daughter!
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