don't get too excited, it was a movie date with myself! ha! Today I realized Michael Jackson's movie would only be showing for 3 more days so I went to the movies after school and treated myself to a movie and dinner! Sometimes it's great to date yourself! Anyway, it was a great movie and picture into what the concert would have been like...totally awesome. All the great songs from my childhood were brought back to life again.
I think he was a totally weird and strange person in real life, however on stage he was a creative genius. Just watching him 'become' the music you could actually see how deeply music was a part of his being. He was a perfectionist and it showed in everything he created, wrote, sang, etc. If you have time in the next two days and have any interest in Michael's music I would encourage you to see This is it!
I have never taken myself to a movie but it's one of those things I've always wanted to do.
I have a friend that goes by herself ALL THE TIME and loves it!
And I really do think I'd be a great date. Haha.
I love going to movies alone. I do it often when I'm traveling and I'm done with work early! It's so relaxing.
I saw it too - totally loved it. The girlies wanted to see it...so I was "forced" to take them. They love MJ too.
Congratulations on taking the step and opening yourself up for a SN adoption!
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