My weekend visitors brought some adorable goodies last weekend and I wanted to make sure I posted them here. I enjoyed the cute breakfast platter this morning that
Jill gave me. This platter is from
Swoozies and for some reason I've never even heard of
Swoozies! But, actually we have a new store in Nashville and I went there yesterday. How have I missed out on this cuteness?? Thanks, Jill!

While shopping yesterday I thought I'd try some new pancake mix for my Saturday pancake breakfast. This mix from
Williams Sonoma is delicious and I added a teaspoon of vanilla. Yum!
Danielle brought me the cutest monogrammed (
How'd she know I LOVE anything monogrammed??) travel mug with two different inserts made by
monogram chick. She has some of the cutest things on her website, so take a break and visit her site to do a little Christmas Shopping. Thank you, Danielle!
While I was enjoying my lazy Saturday morning (contemplating my To-Do list) I decided to go ahead and make a pot of soup. Something about having a pot of soup on the stove on a Saturday makes me feel very comfortable and prepared for visitors. It's weird I guess, but I just like feeling very domestic! I have been making a huge pot of soup on Saturdays and freezing the remainder in batches. I recently read about a great way to freeze soup so it doesn't take up a lot of space in your freezer. Simply put the desired amount in a baggy, let the air out, and seal it. Then lay the baggies on a cookie sheet inside your freezer so they can freeze lying flat. After they are frozen stack them up and store them (standing up) in a small basket. I love looking in my freezer and seeing my homemade soup basket full of different varieties of soup all staked up like little soldiers!
Ok, I know it's a little
OCD but it makes me feel good.

So today's recipe was for beef cabbage soup from one of my Grandma's old recipe books. She recently cleaned out her kitchen and gave me a bunch of her old recipe books and I l.o.v.e. LOVE them! Her cookbooks tell the story of her life...quite literally. She is 88 years old and I will cherish these forever. She has written in every single one of them. Here she has signed the cover.

In all of them she has taped her favorite recipes inside, in no particular order. She has recorded her favorite recipes inside the covers of each book. She has written notes beside recipes like "don't skimp on the orange zest"...or "this recipe is a
Sherrill family favorite". It's so cute!

She even taped recipes on top of recipes! Hilarious!!!

These are some of her old ones

And in the cabinet there are more. They are so old and used they are actually taped together.
Ok, well now I'm off to get my cornbread out of the oven and enjoy a bowl of soup. Oh yeah, and then I'm going to do something on my 'To-Do' list!
I'm so glad you like the breakfast tray! The pancakes look SOOO good.
I love your idea about making soup and freezing it in baggies. I've got to do that. It's especially great for single, busy girls!
Your grandmother's cookbooks are awesome. I bet there are tons of great recipes and memories inside. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the frozen soup idea! I love soup...and it's such a pain as a single because there's so much left. What a fabulous idea! AND I love anything lined up in baskets! :)
Also...I am totally going to have to try vanilla in my pancakes now! And maybe I need to find a williams sonoma, too!
Oh my goodness! I cannot wait to make soup and put it in baggies! That is the greatest idea I have heard in a while! Seriously, GENIUS!!!!!! I love to freeze soup, but I end up putting it in it takes up so much room in my already small freezer! LOVE THIS! THANKS!!!!
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