Saturday, July 19, 2008

The third wedding this summer

These are some pictures of the third wedding I've been to this summer. It was beautiful. The church was simply gorgeous. The bride is the sister of one of my aunts. She is so sweet and always has a smile. The Maid of Honor is my cousin Jill. Amongst the pictures you see my grandmother who is 86 years old. Notice her in the top left corner dancing with the bride! Precious!!


Jill said...

What a pretty wedding! I love the church~TN is so pretty. Your grandmother is adorable!

Nancy Hamilton said...

Amy- you look FABULOUS! Tell me girl...have you lost weight? You look soooo good!!!

Amy Maze said...

you must be confused! the girl in the black dress is not me, it's my cousing jill. she looks fabulous. i just look like me, although i've always envied her tan! no weight loss here...(i'm in the silver blouse which i thought was such a cute outfit 'til i saw the pictures, i look so washed out). after seeing these pictures i immediately had my hair cut to give myself a lift!

Nancy Hamilton said...

NAW---its YOU YOU YOU that looks GREAT! That silver just shines on you do look fabulous!! and, too bad I dont live closer to you. I have some way fun Carrie Bradshaw silver shoes that would go great with your silver blouse!!!!

p.s i found a way to get weight off- i had my jaw wired shut for 2 weeks now..(surgery of course) but its working...and the lbs keep coming off. too bad we cant do that just b/c we want to.

love you girlie!!!

Amy Maze said...

well, thank you nancy! and btw... i love the new weight loss plan!!!!!

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