After ripping for about 3 hours I saw I had only covered about 2 square feet of wall space...at this rate I could be removing paper until kingdom come! The paper I am removing is a second layer of wallpaper. The original paper was put on the drywall before it was painted. So it is clinging on for dear life! It is coming off in the smallest shreds of paper, making my life miserable! I went to Home Depot and rented a wall steamer which is helping some. However you have to have two people with the steamer. One to rip and one to steam. So I will have to return the steamer and wait until next week when mom is off for her one week vacation. I think we'll be able to get it all down if we work together.
Thanks for every one's kind emails and comments on the weight loss/addiction blog post! I'm not starting anything new yet because I know while mom is off on vacation we'll be out and about doing fun stuff (when we finish the walls). I don't want to start something with added stress. As all fat girls know, no news is bad news! So if I never mention it again you know I haven't changed anything. If I do continue to blog about it you'll be able to follow my journey down that road as well. I just finished reading Half Assed (awful name, but it's the truth) which is a hilarious and helpful account of a girl who lost 200 pounds. You can read her blog here. Her story is encouraging and her writing is hilarious.
Ooohhh... removing wallpaper is NOT fun. Good luck and I can't wait to see your newly decorated house! The results will be worth it!
Hey Amy!!!
I figured it out! I figured it out! You were right about posting a comment - gaw I'm such a dork!! :-) I love your blogs! Just know I'm raising my glass with my fat hand and bulging fingers to say "CHEERS" to you my friend!! MUCH LOVE!!!
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