This weekend I went to a lingerie shower for my long time best friend, Carey. We were in Elementary School together and remained school mates until High School graduation. She was the smart one and I am embarrassed to say I copied her Wordly Wise homework throughout most of High School. I never read a book that my English class read, but I read Cliff notes and would discuss the 'high' points with Carey and a few other very smart friends so I knew enough to pass the quiz or test. You see, I was smart but I didn't make the best grades because it wasn't intrinsically motivating for me. (Sad yes, especially since I'm a teacher!) I figured out the system and while I should have been reading and studying I was averaging my grades to find out the minimum I had to make on a test/exam to still pass the class. Since I always had best friends who were honor students everyone thought that I was too! And, as a bonus my older brother was also a straight A student so the High School teachers assumed I was equally as brilliant. By the time they figured out I gave little effort in class, I had already won them over with my personality so they loved me anyway! Score!!! I spent my time in High School working and making money that I spent foolishly, however I had a great wardrobe! I was the social party planner of my 'friends group' and so while I didn't make the grades they did, they loved hanging out with me because I made them laugh! We all went on to graduate High School and went to separate universities where I continued my 'do as little as possible to get by' mindset. We all graduated in four years, got jobs, and became teachers! (Sidebar: I did actually put effort into classes that I enjoyed and was interested in like the education classes and such)
Carey and I also lived close by each other in our school days. We spent a lot of time at each others houses where we would plan our futures and talk about the perfect guy. I would give her dating advice, which I didn't really know what I was talking about, and she would listen. Somehow our lives didn't turn out like our plans on paper dictated, however she did finally meet her match and now they are getting married. I'm so happy for them because they are really great people and besides that...we are 33 years old! It's our time!
Her lingerie shower was very nice, held at a friends house that was totally adorable. You can't see the words on the gift I gave her, but I always give my teacher friends this frumpy T-shirt for their lingerie gift and tell them to wear it on the first night of the honeymoon! It's really unattractive, but the words are so cute..."Teachers make great lovers..."I'm sure the guys appreciate it! I have one for myself too, I hope I can use it someday!!!!
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