I know it is only March 31st, but in the life of a teacher it's technically almost summer! We only have about 7 more weeks of school left and I'm more ready than ever to have my summer vacation! This year I have many projects I'd like to complete. I usually over plan my summer and I'm sure this year will be no different. The first (10) years of teaching, I spent my summers either working summer camps, working as children/youth director at church, working vbs, or going to school to work on my Masters (or beyond). At this point in my career I have to use this valuable time to de-stress from the many stressors of working with children on a daily basis. Especially this year! I have experienced a very difficult year! This is the first summer that I have no plans of working VBS, camp, or any where else children will be (except my niece and nephew of course). I tried to do one adventurous thing...I applied for a grant that allows teachers to go to Japan for 3 weeks and tour their schools and universities, but it is a very competitive program and I was not accepted to that. I even thought about teaching summer school, and it is a possibility still, however I think as my list gets longer and longer I will need the time more than the money. So it is with great excitement that I begin making my summer "list" and it is with that expectation I will be able to close out this school year with my sanity!
Summer 2008 “to do” list:
May 26th – August 1st
May 26th – August 1st
· Peel off wallpaper from foyer and hallway
· Patch and Paint walls in foyer and hallway
· Scrape popcorn ceiling off my bedroom
· Repaint ceiling in my room
· Add crown molding to my bedroom
· Replace fan/light in my bedroom
· Organize closet space in hall closet, coat closet, foyer closet, and guest room closet
· Figure out office space dilemma
· Purchase a quality digital camera and learn how to use it
· Learn how to digital scrapbook
· Organize all my digital pictures
· Begin the process of researching our family tree
· Exercise consistently
· Spend quality time with Madison and Eddie
· Begin redoing all adoption paperwork that has expired
· Scrapbook Baby Eddie’s last 6 months
· Read all books on my nightstand (completely!)
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