All things considered the kids were great. It was a lot to expect for them to stand in long lines and be outside for most of the day at their ages (2 years old and 8 months old), but they were troopers! They went to Animal Kingdom the day before I got there too. Baby Eddie's eyes were busy just taking everything in all week! He didn't miss a beat!
Now, I know when I return I will plan to spend several days in each park. There was a lot we didn't see because we didn't have time. I would like to have time to take in each show/musical, especially the evening spectaculars at each park. I would like to not be so rushed to get through the whole park in one day. I would also schedule time to RELAX at the hotel some. Our hotel was near downtown Disney and we had a shuttle to the parks. However by the time you got everyone ready, bags packed, and stroller ready it was too exhausting to think of returning to the hotel to rest and going back to the park in the same day...so we just stayed at the parks all day. My legs and feet were so tired, not to mention the pain in my back muscles from holding Maddie. It was the funniest scene with three adults pushing a double stroller with no child in the stroller. Baby Eddie preferred being held and Maddie says "hold ya'" when she wants you to hold her. She worked out a great little tease for herself if she was in trouble with mommy and daddy she would cry for "Amy" and of course I fell for it every time. I can't resist that child!
My suggestions for future travelers to Disney is:
1. Eating whole foods
2. Potty trained
3. High School Diploma
I'm definitely going back with Maddie and Eddie when they are much older. At that point they will be too cool to be with mom, dad, and aunt Amy but they will walk through those parks (maybe holding my hands!!) so I can tell them how far we walked with them in 2008! Maybe they will appreciate it.
But Disney is a great place, it's really unimaginable that it all began with one man's sketch of a little mouse he wanted to name "Mortimor"! I wish I could think of just one idea...
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